Friday, July 26th 2019 - [772]Cerise and Daisy (4 of 17)
Escape Plan
Drop the Shovel
Comedic Timing


06.25.2019 - Terrence Marks:
Two weeks ago, Isabel's stomach went from the normal amount of pain to extreme go-to-urgent-care levels of pain. Four hours later - which included a tour of the pharmacy, lab, and imaging departments - we had a diagnosis of colitis and some rather strong antibiotics.

Antibiotics are difficult on the stomach during good times, and these were not good times. The best information we're seeing on colitis is that certain foods can aggravate it, but that exact list is different for each person. We're trying to figure out what she can safely eat now that she's back on solid food. And trying to get things to the point where "a normal amount of stomach pain" is a thing of the past.

How are we doing? We're adjusting. We're getting better. Healing up. And we're glad that we've got very good insurance. But we're going to update once a week for a bit until we've got a better handle on things and Isabel is feeling better.

The comic is inked but it's not in any shape to be put up tonight. We'll have it for you on Friday and thank you, as always, for reading.

Nicole and Derek is © Terrence and Isabel Marks, 2016. Nicole and Derek usually updates Tuesday and Friday at around midnight PST.