Monday, September 18th 2017 - [561]The Informant (1 of 5)
Poor Unfortunate Souls


08.29.2017 - Terrence Marks:
When last we updated the news, we mentioned Life Things. What did we mean by that?

Mainly, we moved! We're now in a slightly different part of Southern California. Not the most dramatic change-up (like moving from Hippedown to Sherup, for instance), but buying a house, packing, moving, and unpacking has taken up a whole lot of our time lately. There is no "done and settled down". Things are a whole lot more habitable than they were on day one, but there's still so much to do. So if we've been a little behind on site maintenance, that's why. (Why haven't we had more comics about Brisbane and Kimberly moving? Because we like our characters. Really. And they have a pre-furnished rental. And they had a lot more hired help than we did.)

Also, we've got a new PO Box - the new address is:
Terrence and Isabel Marks
PO Box 2111
San Bernardino, CA 92406

The old PO Box will be operable at least through the end of the year.

Additionally, we've got some changes to and our Patreon - if you support the comic through one, you get access to the other! Why? Because we think it's awesome when people support the comic and want everyone to have cool bonus stuff. So if you support us through Patreon, we have set you up with a account. And if you support us through, there's now a Patreon Sketches tab, with all our comics-in-progress sketches from Patreon! And donors can request we draw them a thing! (One-character black and white sketch. Work-safe. Has to be either your character or one of mine. I have the right to veto).

So we're here! We're a bit more settled in than we were yesterday! And comics!

Nicole and Derek is © Terrence and Isabel Marks, 2016. Nicole and Derek usually updates Tuesday and Friday at around midnight PST.